Frequently Asked Questions

  • When were we established?

    1. 2018, but we started taking cases in 2020

  • How many people apply for our pro bono legal and investigative services?

    1. As of January 2025, we have reviewed 175 cases

  • Who is eligible to receive legal assistance?

    •  In order to be considered, you must be:

      1. Wrongly convicted of a state or federal crime in the State of Delaware

      2. Unable to afford counsel

      3. Currently incarcerated

      4. Finished with your trial and direct appeal 

      5. Innocent of the crimes for which you are convicted, and

      6. New evidence of innocence currently exists or is discoverable

  • How do I apply?

    1. Visit to contact us about a case, or email us at

  • How long does is the process from case intake to exoneration?

    1. We reinvestigate every case that we take, which may take years before IPD can bring the case back into court

  • Is Innocence Project Delaware a non-profit organization?

    1. Yes, we are an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit and are not associated with Delaware’s Actual Innocence Program.